and Public Notices FAQ's Conservation Tips & Links |
The Boylston Water District, a body
corporate under and according to the provisions of Chapter 421 of the Acts of
1951 of the General Laws of Massachusetts is committed to providing water and
fire protection to the residents of Boylston and strive to provide superior
customer service 24 hours a day. Protection of
existing, as well as future resources has been, and always will be, our
highest priority. From May
1st to September 30th, non-essential
outdoor water use is only allowed two days per week, and before 9:00 AM and after 5:00 PM. Consumer
Confidence Report – (PDF, 628K) NEW Water
Conservation Regulations – (PFD, 20k) Application
For New Service.pdf –
(PDF, 39K) -NEW FAIL_TO_PERFORM_AN_ASSESSMENT.pdf-(PDF, 69K) - NEW General Information An elected board of three commissioners governs the Boylston Water District. The day-to-day operations are carried out under the direct supervision of the Superintendent, which is appointed by the Board of Commissioners. The Boylston Water District responsibilities include, but are not limited to, water meter readings, repairs to water mains, maintenance of the tanks, and individual meter maintenance. Currently we service approximately 3,100 customers daily. The Monthly Meeting of the Board of Commissioners occurs the 1st Monday of each month at 5:00pm unless
otherwise posted. Our business office is currently located at the
Boylston Municipal Light Department on Paul Tivnan Drive. Water bills are sent quarterly on the 1st (January,
April, July, October) on a revolving basis by route. Office Hours:
Monday through Friday - 8:00am to 4:00pm. Phone: (508)869-3400
and Federal drinking water regulations require certain chemical treatments
before groundwater enters the distribution system. The only chemical
treatment process is for corrosion control in which Potassium Hydroxide
(which adjusts the pH and alkalinity of the water) is added to minimize lead
and copper. Rules and Regulations (Updated April 2014)